Saturday, January 22, 2011


All of us with kids have been there: the baby is crying and has been for centuries. We have already had the Mommy time out (be it a cocktail, glass of wine, bottle of beer, or whatever your poison is). And the baby is still crying like they want neighboring planets to hear them. We have tried everything and nothing is working.

But we also know that trying something new can sometimes put at least a pause in audio hell. So this blog is a user-contributed list of the things -- sometimes the more crazy the better! -- that have worked for you with your kid.

It is my hope that the Desperate Mommy can start working down the list, which will hopefully grow quite large, and find something that works on it in their hour of need.

Please contribute any and every thing that has worked for you!


  1. If something helps YOU relax or calm down, it may also work for Baby. I highly recommend some quality time in a warm tub, with low light and maybe some quiet music. And don't forget the lavender. First one for Baby, then one for yourself!

  2. My husband discovered that if he lays our son on his back and pumps his legs back and forth while singing tends to distract him long enough for him to calm down some.

  3. I had good luck using "gripe water" with mine, it's an herbal remedy my English MIL suggested. I guess it's quite common there.

    FYI, you might want to try posting something on DC Urban Moms on the General Parenting forums, I'm sure you'll get a lot of suggestions.

  4. Our kids were/are not colicky but for normal cranky beyond cranky situations, I like the warm bath suggestion, that always works for us, our kids are water babies & sometimes it's just what they need to get them out of the situation that's bringing on the meltdown to begin with. Also - if you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom, turn it on & close the door, lights off. Cuddle & shush baby til he/she/you relax! Worked for my daughter when she was super cranky & nothing else would calm her... hope it works for you!

  5. A few things worked for me with my kids. First, try a swing. Not all of my kids liked them, but you might get lucky. Another thing that worked was to put them in their car seat and put it in top of the dryer when it was running. The combo of the sound and vibrations worked wonders.

  6. The baby ferris wheel calms our little guy down. Hold him horizontally and move him around in slow circles up and down. Kills your biceps but quiets the baby!

  7. Keep 'em coming! These are all great!

    So today's discovery was a new mantra for myself. I get very stressed when I go out with my baby to a restaurant or something that she is going to have a melt down. Every little peep or half-hearted cry sends me into a panic. But then, I also get very frazzled when she is crying at home and I can't soothe her.

    So I discovered this new mantra today that I have repeated to myself every time she cries while at home (and it has helped!): at least we are in the privacy of our own home.

    ...and I try to ignore the fact that I live in a row house and that it is possible that my neighbors can hear every cry. ;)

  8. Hey, we met at the breastfeeding center -- I hope things are going better. You've probably heard this suggestion already, but have you looked at Happiest Baby on the Block? There is one chapter in particular that has practical info on soothing babies. My husband read it, implemented it and I am not sure how we would have made it through these first two months without it. If we swaddle our son, hold him on his side, jiggle him and shush (really loudly!) in his ear, it calms him down. If that does not work, sucking is the crown jewel. I have not had much time to read, to be honest. But I watched a couple of interviews and demos with the happiest baby guy online and that helped. Now, it also might drive you a little bit crazy because this doctor is *very* confident in his techniques. And I find that books that say, "just follow this method and kablow! your troubles will disappear" can be very annoying when going through hard times ... so just try to ignore that, know that you and your baby are great.

  9. Hey Clair - is this you, from Kat's birthing class in Takoma Park? If so, let me know - this is Amber!
